Lesson 4 Step 1 Understand the Core Motivators
When thinking about development within a work context, there are two things to consider that can shape your development objective.
Consideration One: The stage we are at in our role
Trust New to role. You are getting to know people and people getting to know you, establishing your credibility to do the role, showing you can follow through on what you have committed to do. Often you will have inherited initiatives from your predecessor, and it is about ensuring they are implemented well. Development here could look like learning the functions of the business or role.
Impact You have established yourself in the role and are now moving to establishing and implementing your own plans. Making the role your own. Development could look like increasing your profile.
Progress By this stage you will have been in your current role for a while and have proven your ability to deliver results consistently over several cycles. Development could look like exposure to a variety of roles which could be next steps or leading a project in an area identified as next.
The more senior the role, the longer this cycle will likely take.
Activity On Page 6 of your Black Workbook in the section of the table titled Role Stage
Note your preference based on the definitions above
Identify which of your Top 5 strength themes could help. Refer to My Signature Themes Guide and I Will (doing) on Page 7 of your White Workbook
If you have direct reports, write their name where you would place them on this model. Use this to inform the type of development conversation you will have for yourself and with your team members.
Consideration Two: Our preference for the types of roles we would like to work in
There is more than one approach to a career. As mentioned before, the corporate ladder is broken. Job titles and pay rises are too infrequent to satisfy our need to develop. Therefore how do we expand our definition and treat our career and the roles we take more like a jungle gym than a ladder? There are three approaches to consider
Mastery Becoming an expert in a field/discipline. Seeking a depth of experience e.g., staying within a function Supply Chain, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Law
Portfolio Having a variety experiences and roles. Multi-disciplinary. Seeking a breadth of experience across functions
Linear Taking a structured approach, “climbing the ladder” of responsibility and managing people and teams e.g. Assistant Brand Manager, Brand Manager, Senior Brand Manager, Marketing Manager, Marketing Director
Activity On Page 6 of your Black Workbook in the section of the table titled Development Focus
Note your preference based on the definitions above
Identify which of your top 5 strength themes could help. Refer to My Signature Themes Motivations Guide and I Need on Page 7 of your White Workbook
If you have direct reports, write their name where you would place them on this model. Use this to inform the type of development conversation you will have for yourself and with your team members.
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