Boss to Coach Conversation 1 of 5
Strengths-Based Expectations. Discover your why, what and how
My aim is for conversations and simple tools that create clarity. This quick course is designed as pre work inputs for either an individual conversation or workshop.
What we will cover
Discover and apply your strengths to start defining your personal mission, vision and values, a way to describe the expectations you bring to your work and life. At the end of this course you will have identified your top 3
Motivations (vision or outcome you are aiming for)
Contributions (purpose)
Duration 45 mins
Step One: Why mission, vision and values?
Purpose, vision, and values are often big statements created by organisations that don’t mean anything in the day to day.
In fact, they can be helpful when making important decisions or communicating what we offer as
Vision helps determine WHAT we are motivated by e.g. how do we know we have reached the top of the mountain
Purpose WHY we get out of bed in the morning. The contribution we want to make e.g. what motivates us to keep climbing
Values determine HOW we get there e.g. when options are presented to us which path we choose
Optional Watch For more, watch Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “Start with Why.”
Step Two: Understand your filters through the lens of your strengths
Strengths are the natural thoughts, feelings and behaviors that can be productively applied. These are also our filters, how we see the world. Read more.
If you haven’t already, discover your strengths by completing a CliftonStrengths profile
Review the results in the Strengths Insight Guide report. To access
Login in to https://login.gallup.com using your e-mail address and password
At the top left hand side click on Menu and select CliftonStrengths
On the secondary menu beside the CliftonStrengths heading click on Reports
Click on the CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report tile
A PDF will load. Print this
Highlight any statements that resonate with you, cross out what doesn’t matter and circle any meaningful words.
Step Three: Identifying purpose (mission)
Purpose (mission) is about our WHY and is linked to identity, self image, our worldview and beliefs. This represents as our cause, and focuses who we wish to become, the driving force behind everything we do. Watch the videos then complete the exercises at the links below.
Step Four: Identifying what you value
The HOW is about processes, the actions we take what we do. This looks like habits, systems and routines.
Step Five: Identifying what is motivating
The WHAT is about outcomes. It is the tangible manifestation of our WHY. What you want to achieve, what you get, the results.
Step Six: Bringing it all together
Take the inputs from steps two through to five and update the poster template as a visual reference. When you click on Poster Template this will automatically download a PowerPoint zip file to your downloads folder on your computer.
Have a big decision to make? As you think it through, place a tick next to each element on the poster. The more checks the more likely this points to an aligned decision.
Download the poster template
Explore the results more
Being able to articulate your why/purpose takes time and conversation, as meaning is found through story. You will share these outputs through story when we meet.
Not registered for a workshop or individual coaching conversation? Have a follow up quick chat with Jase to explore.
Further reading
Check Out the Boss to Coach Course Reading List
Harvard Business Review Factors that influence great cultures
Harvard Business Review It’s time to free the middle managers
Harvard Business Review The 3 Things Employees Really Want: Career, Community, Cause
First Round 6 Counterintuitive Rules for Being a Better Manager