Lesson 8 Step 2 Identify Your Development Areas

Activity get additional areas of input.  If you can source any of the following and then highlight any statements that resonate with you, cross out what doesn’t matter and circle any meaningful words.  Potential references include:

  1. Your current role job description

  2. A desired role job description

  3. Competency matrix’s focusing on the WHAT’s Tasks/Activities

  4. Leadership frameworks focusing on the HOW’s Behaviours

  5. My Signature Themes Impact Guide on Page 8 of your White Workbook

  6. My Signature Themes Career Guide on Page 12 of your White Workbook

  7. My Signature Themes Managers Guide on Page 14 of your White Workbook

Activity Now that you have extended the level of input from others, plus the list above, take these inputs and filter through the question

 “Is there a particular skill or area that you would like to learn?”

Write this list on Page 11 of your Black Workbook in the box Make a list of all the skills and areas…

Some additional considerations

  • The HOW’s always precede the WHAT’s, so a behavioural development priority could be a good place to focus

  • People remember the first thing they see and the last thing they feel.  As Maya Angelou says, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

  • The more senior the role the more important the HOW’s (behaviours) become, the less important that WHAT’s (priorities), as those closest to the work are the ones who focus on what needs to be done

Optional Activity If you are struggling to do this by yourself, have a conversation with your team leader, manager, colleague, or coaching buddy.  A good question to ask is “If there was one thing that would make me better than I am already, it is…”

Team Leader Debrief

That’s the end of this week’s online learning.  Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor?  Aim to answer the questions

  1. What is one discovery you have made?

  2. What is one thing you will do differently?

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