Lesson 17 Course Review
Taking responsibility for learning will not only support career development, but also lead to greater personal fulfilment. Opportunities for growth are not only limited to years in formal education – they can be a lifelong pursuit.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills, whereas development is the gradual mastery of those skills, putting knowledge into practice and incorporating it into everyday work. This success involves
Having the right mindset as per Carol Dweck’s growth mindset where we believe we are not limited by circumstances, but can improve and seize opportunities to learn and grow
Actively putting processes in place such as seeking feedback, completing a personal audit to input into a development plan
Supercharging with your Strengths, by focusing on what you do best
To guide you through this conversation with others leverage the Development Plan Conversation Guide Template, which can be downloaded here.
Optional Activity Watch the video’s summarising Carol Dweck’s research on growth mindset
Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset and 4 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset
As a result of this course note the final reflection to this course and answer these questions on Page 25 of your Black Workbook
What is one thing you have discovered?
What is one thing you will do differently?
Please take a few minutes to complete a feedback form? Is there something we did well that we should continue doing? Is there something we can improve on that would be helpful for others? This is reviewed by the Strengths Network which accredits Strengths coaches.
Further Resources
The best questions to ask when talking to someone’s development “Is there a particular skill or area that you would like to learn?”
For a handy reference of the key questions that support all Boss to Coach conversations access this bookmark resource
Templates and Tools that support Strengths and the 5 Coaching Conversations. This includes templates, workbooks, profile tools, and session preparation courses
Further Reading short articles and books that support the 5 coaching conversations
Team Leader Debrief
That’s the end of this week’s online learning. Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor? Aim to answer the questions
What is one discovery you have made?
What is one thing you will do differently?
You have completed the Boss to Coach Conversation 4 Development Plan course
Remember to click the ‘Complete Lesson’ button