Detailed Instructions to Complete a CliftonStrengths Profile
It takes 30 minutes to benefit from 30 years of research.
To discover your strengths, the first step is to complete a short intuitive questionnaire. These results will form the basis of a coaching conversation, workshop, or online learning module. Below are the instructions of what you need to do.
Optional Before taking this assessment, watch this short video that introduces the CliftonStrengths tool.
Before you take the Clifton Strengths Assessment
A separate e-mail will be sent to you via Gallup to activate your profile code. If you cannot see an e-mail, check your junk/spam folder
When you click on the link select New to Gallup? Create an account to create a new profile
Complete the assessment. A couple of things you need to know before taking the test:
It is an assessment not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. Your responses are confidential, so it’s about how honest you are with yourself.
You will need 45 minutes of uninterrupted time. It is likely it won't take that long.
Each question involves pairs of statements (see the example below) asking you to select your natural preference, on a 5-point scale towards one of the sentences. There are 177 questions and just 20 seconds is allowed between each question. If you don’t answer a question in time, focus on the next question.
The timer is to make you choose your instinctive gut reaction, rather than reasoning your answer. They are looking for your natural, spontaneous reaction, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect. The more instinctively you answer the questions, the more you will resonate with the results.
If you need to, you can have the timer turned off by contacting the Gallup help desk. Select CliftonStrengths and then at the bottom of the page click the link Can’t Find What You Are Looking For? Contact Support
You cannot stop and then restart the assessment. If the site crashes mid assessment, re-log back in and it will pick up where it has left off.
The statements you are presented with are not "polarised" i.e. either/or. You need to select the statement that sounds most like you. Go with your gut on which one you think sounds best. If both sentences appear to be true, you probably identify yourself or would be drawn more to one than the other. Try, where possible, to avoid the middle option.
Make sure to bookmark the site for future logins. This is where you can view your reports and access learning modules that support understanding your Strengths and how to better leverage them.
Once you have completed a profile, your results may be added to an organisation team strengths grid where you will be able to view yours and your team members results. If this is something you feel uncomfortable with, please let me know. You can also have your results removed at any stage. To do this e-mail hello@jasonbiggs.nz