Lesson 10 Make Your Development Objective SMARTER

The vaguer a goal is, we can distance ourselves from it “I didn’t sign up for that!”  Clarity is important to reduce confusion for yourself and others.  See this applied in the following example when information is not clear or lost in translation.

 Video Watch as a message is broadcast

Make your development objective clear

SMARTER is a checklist tool that has helped people in business create clarity in their work.

Watch For an overview, watch the following video.

Activity On Page 11 of your Black Workbook take your development priority and make it SMARTER leveraging the check list on Page 14 or the list below.  Once done transfer your development priority to the development plan template.

SPECIFIC Pin down a clear tangible idea of what you want to achieve or pinpoint an area for improvement Is it clear what exactly you want to accomplish?

MEASURABLE All goals need a yardstick otherwise we will never know if they are successful Will you know when you meet your goal?

AMBITIOUS A worthwhile goal challenges you to think big and reach outside your comfort zone Will this goal realistically stretch you and still able to meet this goal with effort by your timeline?

RELEVANT Will this goal really be good for business, does it fit with your values or wider plans?  What meaning does it have for you? Is this goal worth working hard to accomplish?

TIME-BOUND Goals remain dreams unless you set timeframes and there is nothing like a deadline to motivate actions Is there a clear deadline set of when you need to meet this goal?

EMOTIONAL We feel before we think.  It is a scientific fact.  Even in hard business terms goals that come from the gut will likely have more sticking power because you want them more Do you and others feel good about this goal?

REWARD Because what is a goal if not rewarding.  Keeping your incentive or the benefits of your goal insight will drive you on visualising the peak of the mountain and your satisfaction on reaching it Will you feel satisfied when you reach this goal?

Review Did you find the SMARTER process easy or hard?  For many this is a challenging activity and working with others makes it easier.  To ensure your development actions meet the SMARTER criteria, make time with your Team Leader or colleague to share and refine.

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