Lesson 13 Create Development Actions
Activity On your Development Plan Template, for your identified Development Goal see if you can create 3 x learning actions for
Formal Learning
Learning from others
Learning from Experience on the job
To help, refer to the My Signature Themes Motivations Guide and the row I Will (doing) on Page 7 of your White Workbook.
An example of this would be if I was an auditory learner then I would listen to a podcast, go have a conversation with colleague to hear what they have to say, create a lunch-and-learn session on the topic etc. If I was Visual, I would watch a YouTube video with lots of diagrams, I would get someone to have a whiteboard session and draw a diagram with me to explain a particular topic, produce a flow chart for others to reference on a particular process.
Team Leader Debrief
That’s the end of this week’s online learning. Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor? Aim to answer the questions
What is one discovery you have made?
What is one thing you will do differently?
You have completed this lesson
Remember to click the ‘Next Lesson’ button.