Lesson 16 Check In and Review
Development is an ongoing process. The Boss to Coach system is about moving from performance management (an annual conversation) to a series of ongoing check ins where development is included as part of every connection.
Setting Expectations Has a specific section within the template that talks to development
Work In Progress has a people and development section as part of its structure. Good clues for development content come from asking about Highlights (do more of) Lowlights (is further 70 20 10 supports required?), and you can help me by
Progress Review the output of this discussion is to identify where development needs to focus next from reviewing both the WHAT’s (priorities) and HOW’s (behaviours) that support their delivery
Note If you are leading a team, it is important that they psychologically take ownership of their development. This is their development, not yours. Your job is to coach. What this looks like is you set a clear expectation, demonstrate as an example of how you are focusing on your own development, that they do the preparation and book the meeting.
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