Lesson 11 How We Learn
Step 4 Create Actions and Accountability
Now that we have identified a development priority, there are two inputs to consider what we will learn and how we learn. We’ll start with how we learn.
As you create these actions consider how you best learn. From the pre work you completed a VARK Learning Style Profile. "Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Training should never be a case of one size fits all. The manager who understands how both they and their staff learn best will be well equipped to choose the most effective types of training or approach to explaining a task. Fleming and Mills (1992) suggested four categories that seemed to reflect the experiences of learners. The acronym VARK talks to four sensory modes that are used for learning information. Note, whilst we may have one style stronger than the others, we also have an ability to flex our approach and draw on/appeal to other styles.
Watch for more on VARK
Activity Discover your preferred Learning Style through the profile tool here. Circle your learning style on the diagram How We Will Learn, Learning Styles on Page 15 of your Black Workbook.
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