Lesson 8 See Yours and Other’s Talents in Action
"How did they know that? That's exactly … me!"
Developed over decades spent studying millions of CliftonStrengths assessment results, these statements explain exactly how each of your Signature Themes makes you stand out in the world.
Introducing You. Recognise Your Own Talents
Review My Signature Themes Full Descriptions report on Pages 4 and 5 of your White Workbook. Highlight/underline any statements that resonate with you, cross out what doesn’t matter and circle any meaningful words.
Go to https://strengthsnetwork.org/discover-more/
Filter for your top 5 strengths
Watch the videos
Based on the two inputs, complete the form on Page 12 of your Black Workbook by answering the two questions (ignore the instructions at the top of this page, as they talk to a process if you are part of the live workshop)
Complete the first two reflection questions on Page 13 of your Black Workbook.
Activity For the final two questions save this to complete with your manager, team leader, or coaching buddy based on their Top 5 Clifton Strengths Results. Strengths develop best in relationship to someone else, so ask them how they see these strengths in you.
Spot the Genius. Recognise The Talents of Others
In the table on Page 15 of your Black Workbook, write down the names of three people you work or have worked closely with
Write a few words or a statement of something that you have seen them do well e.g. thoughtful, great presenter, amazing with spreadsheets
If you know their strength themes, which one do you think relates to the feedback you have given e.g., thoughtful = DELIBERATIVE, great presenter = COMMUNICATION, amazing with spreadsheets = ANALYTICAL. Refer to the CliftonStrengths Domains and Themes Quick Reference Guide for the definitions of all of the strengths on Page 17 and 18 of your White Workbook.
Optional Activity Appreciation is one of the key tools to help in any working relationship. In fact, a Harvard Business Review article points to research, that to maximise team performance the optimal ratio is five positive comments for every negative one.
Based on the three people you identified above, could you send them a quick e-mail telling them what you reflected on, and see what happens.
Optional Activity
Create a poster to put on your wall using this template
Put these screensavers/desktop wall papers onto your computer of your top 5 strengths
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