Lesson 6 The link between business performance and strengths

We now move onto step 2 which is to Claim It; claim our strengths and harness their power.

Watch the video, turn talent into success

As per the video above, the world of work is changing.  It used to be you came to work, you got paid, you went home.  Once a year you would sit down with your boss, get told what you did wrong (usually from something you did 6-months ago), and fingers crossed you’d get a pay rise.

The lines between work and life are blurring.  This has been accelerated by Millennials and Generation Z joining the workforce.  It has also been amplified by the pandemic, when we needed to work from home.  Now, more than ever, we are looking for purpose, for development, for coaching and the opportunity to leverage our strengths.

How do we do this?  Leveraging strengths is a business strategy with clear benefits. 

Activity Complete the following on Page 9 of your Black Workbook by adding the words to the boxes in the flow diagram.  The aim is to put the eight statements in the boxes in the correct order.  To help the statement that goes in the

  • The first box 1. Is “Identify Strengths”

  • The orange box 8. is “Share Price Increase.”

    1. Identify strengths You’re never going to be something that you are not, so find out who you are and leverage that

    2. Right fit If you know what you are good at you can move from intuition to intention in the work you do

    3. Great managers Not everyone is a great manager.  Gallup research has found that 10% are naturally good people managers.  20% can become good with training.  The relationship between managers and their direct reports is the most critical to support business performance.  Most of us can easily recall the best and worst boss we have had and the impact it has on us and others.

    4. Engaged employees Gallup defines engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work and workplace.  70% of the factors that lead to you being engaged are directly attributed to the decisions your manager makes.  We join organisations, leave bosses, stay for teams.  

    5. Engaged customers If an employee is engaged it is highly likely they will be great to deal with.  Think of the difference between a great and terrible customer service experience you have had.  That is the sign of someone being engaged.

    6. Sustainable growth Because your customers are coming back to buy more

    7. Real profit increase Based on Gallup’s research, engagement levels are directly correlated to seven business outcomes; productivity, safety, profitability, absenteeism, retention, shrinkage, customer engagement.

    8. Share price increase As a result, the value of the organisation increases

Where do most of your conversations focus?

  • Steps 1-5 below the line talk to what is implied, Behavioural Economics

  • Steps 6-8 above the line talk to what we see, Classic Economics

In the roles you have held and the organisations you have worked in, what % of time would you say you spend talking about Behaviour Economics? What % of time would be spend discussing Classic Economics factors. What would you change?

Based on data from 49 countries, 50,000 business units, 7 industries, organization’s that focus on strengths mean, see Page 10 of your Black Workbook.

  • Employees are 6 times more likely to be engaged in their jobs

  • More than 3 times as likely to say they have an excellent quality of life

  • Teams that focus on strengths every day, increase productivity by 12.5%

  • Teams that receive Strengths based feedback have 8.9% greater profitability

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