Activity Complete the following quiz on Page 5 of your Black Workbook or below by ticking if the statement sounds like you, or leaving if blank if it is a no.

Tick if the statement sounds like you

Lesson 4 Spotting Talents. What does a talent look like?

These behaviours are a demonstration of our talents.  Talents are influenced by who we are with, what we are doing, where we are.  An example of this is you may have answered differently for the question “Write down a list of things to do and stick to it” and “Make a list of things to do on weekends.”  This could be because someone else may own the list, or on the weekends you prefer to relax.

Optional Team Activity Check out the differences with those you work most closely with.  Take this “poll” to your next group meeting and ask them to raise their hand if the statement relates to what they do.  Ask them for examples of how they do this.

Conventional vs a Strengths-Based approach

Why is it important to leverage our talents? See Page 6 of your Black Workbook.

  • Most if not all behaviours can be learned vs only some behaviours can be learned

  • The best performers in a role display same behaviours vs the best performers in a role deliver the same outcomes using different behaviours

  • Weakness fixing leads to success vs weakness-fixing prevents failure, strengths-building leads to success

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