Lesson 2 Introduction to Strengths-Based Development

Watch The video Marty’s journey from talent to strength

Say if you or your kid returns home with the following grades: an A in English, an A in social studies, a C in science, and an F in maths. Which of these marks would you spend the most time discussing?   Gallup found 77% of parents chose to focus on the F in algebra, only six percent on the A in English, and an even smaller number, one percent, on the A in social studies.  Our brains are hard wired to focus on weakness.  But, as Donald Clifton psychologist, business executive and the father of Strengths proposes:. 

“What will happen when we think about what is right with people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?”

This course is about identifying and then focusing on what is good about us.  You are never going to be something you’re not.  So how do you discover what you are good at so you can you leverage these talents to (see Page 3 of your Black Workbook)

  • Support what you need to do in the roles you hold

  • Enable the relationships with the people that help you do it

  • Have a flow on impact to the communities in which we serve.  This includes our customers which can be both internal and external

There are three steps to discover and develop your strengths (also known as Strengths-Based Development see Page 4 of your Black Workbook)

  1. Name It Explore your talents

  2. Claim It Harness their power

  3. Aim It Bring them to life everyday

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