Lesson 12 Appreciate Team Impact  

“Teams should be well rounded precisely because we
as individuals are not.”

It can be difficult to understand every nuance of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. The CliftonStrengths domains are a shortcut for learning how to make the most out of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. They're the natural way to group CliftonStrengths based on how the themes help people work together to accomplish goals.

They originated from research asking the question, are some strengths better at leading than others?  The answer?  It was not which strength was better at leading than another.  All strengths can lead.  They helped define how we lead.  As a result, they identified four logical groupings.  You can also refer to Page 20 for these definitions

  • Strategic Thinking Keep the team focus on where we are going.  Help consider what could be.  Absorb and analyse information for better decisions.  They ask "What?"

  • Influencing Selling the idea or the dream.  Take charge, speak up and make sure the team is heard.  They ask "Why?"

  • Relationship Building The team glue.   Build strong relationships that hold the team together to make it greater than the sum of the parts.  They ask “Who?”

  • Executing Know how to make things happen.  They ask “How?”

At their core, teamwork and collaboration are all about partnerships.  The CliftonStrengths domains essentially answer the question, "How do I make sense of the world on a greater scale than just my individual CliftonStrengths themes?" 

You can use the domains of CliftonStrengths to better understand your impact - What am I great at? Where will I struggle?  Who can I partner with? - and know how to best work with them?  People tend to think about what they don't do well, or what weaknesses they need to work on.  The domains can help people understand where they're most powerful, and how to use that power to make their greatest contribution.

Activity Partner for Impact

  1. On Page 10 of your White Workbook review the My Signature Themes Your Contribution with The CliftonStrengths Domains report and note where Gallup places you

  2. Identify either your strongest domain, or if you are evenly spread across them, your preferred domain.  Keep this handy for when you are working with a team to know where you can best contribute

  3. Identify which leadership domain you would like more of.  If you have access to a team strengths grid*, you will be able to identify others in your team that you could potentially partner with. 

  4. Be intentional to connect with them and ask them for their advice on a project you are working on

*If you want to access the team strengths grid for your organisation Contact Us

Team Leader Debrief

That’s the end of this week’s online learning.  Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor?  Aim to answer the questions

  1. What is one discovery you have made?

  2. What is one thing you will do differently?

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