Lesson 3 Name It
The first step in the strengths-based development journey is to Name It, by understanding what a talent is.
Spotting Talents. What does it sound like?
CliftonStrengths is a tool to help us to identify our talents. A talent is a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behaviour that can be productively applied.
Activity For an example of seeing your talents at work, answer the following questions on Page 5 of your Black Workbook.
What do you get to do, versus what do you do? What you do is your job title. What you get to do is the process you use to deliver your work e.g. connect with people, ask questions, help. Be as descriptive as you possibly can with 1-2 sentences
What is one positive word people use to describe you?
Did you find this activity easy or hard, especially identifying one positive word to describe you? If difficult, this is likely because talents are innate. As they come so easily
We forget we are using them
If we do notice them in action, we automatically discount them and assume everyone else can do the same if not better
An example of where this happens is in a job interview. Often there is a part of the interview where we will be asked, “tell me what you think your strengths are?” What normally happens is we offer up generics like “team player” and “hard worker.” The trick is to be able to describe what you uniquely do that no one else does.
The key to success is to fully understand how to apply your great talents and strengths in your everyday life. People working in their strengths zone (see Page 6 of your Black Workbook)
Look forward to going to work
Treat customers better
Have more positive than negative interactions with co-workers
Tell their friends they work for a great company
Have more positive, creative, and innovative moments
Achieve more daily
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