Lesson 2 Introduction to Strengths-Based Expectations

Activity On Page 2 of your Black Workbook, list

  1. What is one positive benefit of having expectations?

  2. What is one thing that could us stuck about having expectations?

Being clear is important.  It’s not what we say that causes trouble. It’s what we don’t say.

I once heard a story about how a manager mentioned that IF he had a muffin, his preferred flavour would be blueberry.  His team then organised to have blueberry muffins at every meeting.  Not that he ate one.

There are four key levers that help define good expectations.  See Page 6 of your Black Workbook

  • Individualised Understand individual needs and clarify accordingly

  • Communicate & Align Proactively, change and adjust collaboratively

  • Quantify & Prioritise Evaluate outcomes and use measurements that clarify and shape expectations.  This leads to meaningful outcomes

  • Raise the bar Stretch employees outside their comfort level to achieve more 

Setting Expectations is the foundational conversation in any coaching relationship.  Having clear expectations talks to 10 of the 12 key elements that predict whether someone is engaged in their role, see Page 5 of your Black Workbook

Also, Gallup research found that 50% of team members are unclear about what they are supposed to do at work.  But if you are clear, your teams will experience 5-10% increased delivery and improvements in creativity, adaptiveness, and cost effectiveness. 

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