Boss to Coach Conversation 1 of 5 Setting Expectations
This course talks to the strategy of performance development and specifically the setting expectations conversation, which is 1 of 5 that supports team performance. Setting expectations helps the team leader and employee understand each other better. It's about making things clear, like what's expected and knowing each person's strengths and needs. Having clear expectations at work keeps everyone on the same page, reduces stress, and helps teams work better together. It also makes feedback and personal growth easier, creating a positive environment for the team.
Week 1 – Defining Expectations
Introduction to Setting Expectations
Exploring the importance of clear expectations in creating strong manager-employee relationships, improving job satisfaction, and boosting business performance.
Defining Expectations – Strengths-Based Approach
Understanding the benefits of clear expectations, how to avoid misunderstandings, and why transparency matters in the workplace.
Two Types of Expectations, WHAT and HOW
Differentiating between ‘WHAT’ expectations (priorities and tasks) and ‘HOW’ expectations (behaviours and culture) to create alignment and engagement.
Where Do You Lean?
Identifying where you will orientate in your work (Me, Them, It) and recognising how strengths influence these approaches to maintain balance on both the WHATs and HOWs.
What’s Expected of You?
Defining role expectations and aligning them with your strengths to move from intuitively to intentionally delivering results.
Week 2 – WHAT Expectations
Prioritising with the Rule of 3
Applying the Rule of 3 to create clarity and focus by narrowing down priorities to ensure maximum impact and achievement.
Creating Clarity with SMARTER Goals
Using the SMARTER framework (Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Relevant, Time-bound, Emotional, Reward) to set clear and actionable expectations.
Week 3 – HOW Expectations
The Power of Culture
Examining how culture (‘how we do things around here’) influences behaviour, systems, and practices within an organisation.
Setting the Benchmark. A leader you admire
Learning from admired leaders by identifying key behaviours and aligning them with personal strengths to set clear ‘HOW’ expectations.
Three Building Blocks to Identify What Matters
Exploring how Mission (Purpose), Vision, and Values provide a framework for organisational expectations and guide everyday actions.
Appreciating Our Own Filters
When you know what you stand for, you find your place—both in the team and in the bigger picture.
Week 4 - HOW Expectations Continued
Appreciating Our Own Filters Too
The right role lets you bring your best self to the table, where mission, values, and vision all align.
How We Do Things Around Here
Culture is built one experience at a time, shaping the beliefs that lead to meaningful action.
We Are the Culture
Living your values at work is about more than just believing in them—it’s about showing them in every choice you make.
Setting Expectations Conversation
The best conversations aren’t simply because you planned—they happen when you show up ready to listen, learn, and evolve.
The Power of Clear Expectations and Course Review
Clear expectations don’t limit you; they’re the foundation for creating a culture where everyone knows exactly how to succeed.