Lesson 4 Where Do You Lean?

We all approach our work in different ways, which can influence where our expectations will naturally lean either towards the WHAT or the HOW.  Gallup in their research with leaders and their teams have identified three different approaches/responses that people have when given a task.  We usually do two out of three of these well.

  1. Me Self orientation.  How do I feel if I do this? 

  2. Them Other’s orientation.  How do they feel about it?

  3. It Results orientation.  What is getting achieved?

Activity on Page 8 of your Black Workbook

  1. Circle or place a tick next to two approaches that sound most like you. 

  2. Also write on the circles which of your top 5 CliftonStrengths you think influence this approach.  To help refer to Page 6 of your White Workbook, the report My Signature Themes Contributions and what your strengths are Known For

The combination of these approaches is summarised as follows.  Can you see yourself in one of these statements? 

  • If you have a me and them orientation it could sound like “I’m happy, they’re happy, we are not getting things done!”

  • If you have a them and it orientation it could sound like “They are happy, I’m getting results, I’m exhausted! “

  • If you have a me and it orientation it could sound like “I love what I do, I’m getting things done, I’m frustrating others!”

All have a role to play, which is the reason the exercise is called Balance Indicators. 

People can tend to not select “me.”  It is important to avoid linking “selfishness” with self-orientation.  The benefit of those with a self-orientation support the truth that “to be well is to do well, and to do well is to be well.”  To be able to look after others we also need to look after ourselves.

Activity on Page 8 of your Black Workbook

How do you ensure all these voices have a seat at the table when determining expectations so both the HOW’s and WHAT’s are considered?  Answer the following questions

  1. Reflecting on the diagram above, how do your CliftonStrengths themes help or hinder you to maintain this balance? To help refer to Page 8 of your White Workbook, the report My Signature Themes Impact and the rows Helps and Hinders

  2. What would it take to move things closer to the centre, where - I’m happy, they are happy and we get stuff done?

  3. Who can you partner with to be the voice of the third balance indicator that is not your usual preference?

Who do you need to involve in the conversation to ensure this happens and gives you a different perspective? 

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