Lesson 7 Active listening.  Turning our ears on

“Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is psychological survival, to be understood, to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated.” Steven Covey. 

If someone feels seen, heard, and understood this super charges trust.

Watch The video four things all great listeners know

In summary, great listeners know there are four things they need to demonstrate to show someone they are listening

  • Showing Interest Great listeners prioritize showing genuine interest in others and making them feel understood.

  • Active Engagement They actively listen by paying attention, asking open-ended questions, and using body language to indicate understanding.

  • Removing Distractions They minimise distractions like phones and TVs to create a more intimate conversation environment.

  • Remaining Open-Minded They listen openly, even to opposing views, fostering open-mindedness and deeper conversations without necessarily seeking agreement.

 Active listening helps us determine what type of conversation we need to be having.  Do they seem emotional, practical, or focused on social topics.  Miscommunication occurs when people are having different kinds of conversations., as seen in this example “It’s not about the nail.”

Activity Practice active listening in the next week at work, thinking about the above techniques and…

  1. Identify one of your Top 5 CliftonStrengths Themes that you will leverage to support active listening.  Refer to My Signature Themes Motivations Guide, I Will (doing) on Page 7 of your White Workbook

  2. In one conversation aim to not say anything for 2 minutes

  3. In another conversation only aim to ask questions.  Note make sure they are “how” and “what” questions only

  4. In a final conversation use the loop for understanding method.  You can ask questions.  Summarise what you have heard.  Ask if you got it right.  Repeat until there is agreement on understanding.

  5. Share with your manager or team leader/colleague one thing you noticed.  Look at the Active Listening checklist on Page 14 of your Black Workbook.  What is one thing you did well?  What is one you want to put more focus on?

Team Leader Debrief

That’s the end of this week’s online learning.  Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor?  Aim to answer the questions

  1. What is one discovery you have made?

  2. What is one thing you will do differently?

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