Lesson 5 Understanding what others need “Leadership is an achievement of TRUST”

Trust is a big topic and a fundamental of how we can or cannot work together; without it, nothing else works.  Patrick Lencioni in his work The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team placed trust at the bottom/foundation of the model, showing how it as a fundamental to any group working well.

People have different ways of approaching trust. Some believe trust must be earned and takes time to build, while others give trust until it’s proven otherwise.  It's built in small steps every day but can be lost in an instant.  Which approach would you take?

First impressions also matter. Based on research by psychologist Alex Todorov and colleagues at Princeton University, when we meet someone, we form an opinion of them within the first seven seconds.  His research even suggests it only takes a tenth of a second to start deciding if someone is trustworthy.

Finally, balancing trust is tricky but essential.  Trust requires careful judgment. If we trust too much, we might be gullible. If we trust too little, we might always seem suspicious.

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