Lesson 13 Course Review

 “Feedback is a free education to excellence. Seek it with sincerity and receive it with grace.” Ann Marie Houghtailing

With giving feedback, the goal is not just to correct mistakes, but more importantly commit the majority of our time to showing appreciation, “Catching people doing things right” and to help everyone grow into what they do best.  That is where our best performance lies.  In addition, the sooner we course correct the easier feedback is to deliver and to be received.  Finally, the responsibility for giving feedback is no only yours.  Your role as a leader is to set the expectation, model the behaviours, and encourage your team to do the same too.

To guide you through this conversation leverage the everyday coach questions poster which can be downloaded here 


As a result of this course note the final reflection to this course and answer these questions on Page 21 of your Black Workbook

  1. What is one thing you have discovered?

  2. What is one thing you will do differently?


Please take a few minutes to complete a feedback form? Is there something we did well that we should continue doing?  Is there something we can improve on that would be helpful for others?  This is reviewed by the Strengths Network which accredits Strengths coaches.

The best questions to ask when giving feedback to others

The best questions to ask when giving feedback to others

  • What’s working?

  • Where are we getting stuck?

  • What can we do differently?


For a handy reference of the key questions that support all Boss to Coach conversations access this bookmark resource 

  • Templates and Tools that support Strengths and the 5 Coaching Conversations.  This includes templates, workbooks, profile tools, and session preparation courses

  • Further Reading short articles and books that support the 5 coaching conversations

Team Leader Debrief

That’s the end of this week’s online learning.  Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor?  Aim to answer the questions

  1. What is one discovery you have made?

  2. What is one thing you will do differently?

You have completed the Boss to Coach Conversation 2 Everyday Feedback course

Remember to click the ‘Complete Lesson’ button