Lesson 6 The three components of a strong progress review
Now that we have prepared for the discussion, let’s look at the Progress Review template on at the back of your Black Workbook. The form is built on the three components that make a successful Progress Review, outlined on Page 12 of your Black Workbook
Previous Period WHAT’s (priorities), the things we have delivered
Identified Development HOW’s (behaviours and skills), because the HOWs always precede and influence the WHATs. As a reminder, we as managers are in effect managing a set of behaviours to get outcomes. That is why CliftonStrengths is powerful and useful tool, as it describes through a positive lens our natural ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving
Future Goal Establishment with a focus on development
Two frameworks to support what you input
Framework One The 2 Types of Expectations diagram see Page 12 of your Black Workbook. The Progress Review closes the loop from the Setting Expectations conversation where we talked about the two different types expectations; the WHATs (priorities) and the HOWs (behaviours). For more see the lesson in the Boss to Coach Setting Expectations course Lesson 3 in the Boss to Coach Setting Expectations course
Framework Two 3 domains that predict job success
When completing, make sure that what you share aligns with Gallup’s three domains that predict job success. See Performance Domains that Predict Job Success on Page 13 of your Black Workbook.
Individual Achievement My Work. Responsibilities you need to achieve independently
Team Collaboration My Team. How you partner with other team members to achieve success.
Customer Value My Customer. My customer. The impact your work has on a customer (a customer can be either internal or external)
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