Lesson 11 Course Review - The Power of Progress Reviews

We’ve reached the end of this course, and the big idea is simple: helping people do their best starts with what makes them feel good on the inside. And the way we do this is to acknowledge what they are good at, and coach them to leverage it.  In the book High Performance, the authors talk about research by Deci and Ryan who identified the three forces that build internal motivation.  The Progress Review is a critical conversation to bring these to life

  • Autonomy acting in harmony with your sense of self

  • Competence taking control of your situation.  When people feel like they have control over their situation, they work harder and prove more resilient to setbacks

  • Relatedness a sense of connection with the people around us

These three things—freedom, confidence, and teamwork—are the secret ingredients to doing great work.

Now it’s your turn to make this real. When you talk to your team, make sure they feel like they’re trusted to make good choices, supported to grow stronger, and part of a group that cares about them. Great leaders don’t have to know everything—they just need to help others shine. When you do this, you’re not just helping people work harder—you’re helping them feel proud and happy about what they do.

To guide you and your team through this conversation leverage the Progress Review template in PowerPoint which can be downloaded here.



Please take a few minutes to complete a feedback form? Is there something we did well that we should continue doing?  Is there something we can improve on that would be helpful for others?  This is reviewed by the Strengths Network which accredits Strengths coaches.

Further Resources

The best questions to ask when reviewing someones progress are

  • What accomplishment are you most proud of since our last review?

  • How can we get more of this kind of performance in the future?


For a handy reference of the key questions that support all Boss to Coach conversations access this bookmark resource 

  • Templates and Tools that support Strengths and the 5 Coaching Conversations.  This includes templates, workbooks, profile tools, and session preparation courses

  • Further Reading short articles and books that support the 5 coaching conversations

Team Leader Debrief

That’s the end of this week’s online learning.  Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor?  Aim to answer the questions

  1. What is one discovery you have made?

  2. What is one thing you will do differently?

You have completed the Boss to Coach Conversation 5 Progress Review course

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