Lesson 9 We are more than work

Gallup’s five elements of wellbeing offer a holistic view of what makes life truly fulfilling, with each area contributing to overall health and happiness.  There are also key question you can ask yourself.

  • Career/ Purpose Wellbeing: Feeling engaged and motivated at work, where your strengths are recognised, and your contributions matter.  Do you like what you do every day?

  • Social Wellbeing: Building meaningful relationships and connections with others, creating a sense of belonging and support. Do you have strong relationships and love in your life?

  • Financial Wellbeing: Managing financial stability, feeling secure about your resources, and having the freedom to make life choices.  Do you take pride in your community?

  • Physical Wellbeing: Taking care of your body through exercise, nutrition, and rest, so you have the energy to live fully.  Do you have good health and enough energy to do what you want to do every day?

  • Community Wellbeing: Feeling connected to your community and contributing to its growth, knowing you are part of something bigger than yourself.  Do you have enough money to do the things you want to do in life?

Activity it is not often we take the time to sit back and reflect on the components of our life and what we would like to either acknowledge/appreciate or seek to change.  On Page 16 of your Black Workbook on the diagram The 5 Elements to Wellbeing to Make a Life Worthwhile

  1. Score each element out of 10

  2. For the element you scored the highest, what is one thing you can continue to do/protect?  When thinking about your CliftonStrengths profile and the domain (colour) where you have the most strengths, could this point to why you are strongest here?  Refer to Page 10 of your White Workbook and the report My Signature Themes Your Contribution with the CliftonStrengths Domains

  3. For the element you score the lowest on, what is one thing you could do differently to enhance this element?   When thinking about your CliftonStrengths profile and the domain where you are the weakest, could this point to what is influencing this score?  Who do you know that is strongest here?  Could you ask them what advice they would have for you?  Refer to Page 10 of your White Workbook and the report My Signature Themes Your Contribution with the CliftonStrengths Domains

Activity Every day, people decide how hard to work, and good managers can help by giving interesting tasks, saying “great job,” and showing they care. The best leaders know what helps people do well—making sure they have the skills and the drive—and they use rewards, kind words, and encouragement to bring out everyone’s best.  What motivates each person is different and discovering this is powerful. 

  1. Complete the What Matters Most Exercise to help better articulate what matters to you

  2. Can you see links between the Elements of Wellbeing exercise and this one


  1. Answer the questions under the heading Where Do You See Yourself? on Page 17 of your Black Workbook

  2. Either complete this yourself or if you are struggling get your team leader, teammate, or learning buddy to interview you and note your answers.

  3. As input use the last two activities from Wellbeing and What Matters Most

Activity Based on the output of these three activities, transfer 2-3 insights, make them actions, and add to the bottom left hand section of the Progress Review Template on at the back of your Black Workbook.

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