Lesson 8 Previous Period Results. Reviewing the HOWs
When are you at your best? When are you at your worst? What do you need to be successful? What do you contribute to your team?
These questions all point to the behaviours that support our performance and what we deliver. Tools that help think about/frame behaviours and how they support performance include
Understanding what ideal looks like through your company values. Company values are the guiding principles that shape how an organisation thinks, acts, and makes decisions, reflecting what truly matters in its pursuit of purpose. To be motivated your work needs to reflect your core values. We discovered your cover values in Lesson 11 of the Boss to Coach Setting Expectations course
How these behaviours impact those around you with an engagement survey/team health check, which is a pulse check on how connected, motivated, and valued people feel within an organisation, shining a light on what’s working and what needs attention. Engagement happens at the team level and three quarters of the measure is directly influenced by the decisions a manager makes.
How these show up for the individual with your CliftonStrengths profile. CliftonStrengths is a framework that helps people uncover their natural talents (a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behaviour that can be productively applied), empowering them to grow, excel, and bring their best to life and work. The five clues to talent questions (see Page 14 of your Black Workbook) can be a helpful way to describe the behaviours have helped you the most.
Yearning The pull or attraction to one activity rather than another. What do you know you can do well, but haven't yet done?
Rapid Learning Patterns so ingrained in our DNA that they open pathways of understanding What have you done well that you didn't need explained?
Glimpses of Excellence Others may offer clues to our own talent in the ways they recognize us What have other people told you you're great at doing?
Satisfaction Activities or opportunities that we genuinely enjoy What sorts of activities do you finish and think, 'I can't wait to do that again'?
Flow Total performance excellence What are you doing when time seems to disappear?
Optional Activity Complete The 5 Clues To Talent Questionnaire on Page 15 of your Black Workbook. Consider your answers through the lens of the last 12 months work.
Activity With these inputs complete the middle two sections of the Progress Review form on Page 17 of your Black Workbook. For input, refer to
Your organisations’ values (if available)
Team health check/engagement results (if available)
4,3,2,1, especially your stories
Your strengths. For your strengths refer to the My Signature Themes Impact Guide on Page 8 of your White Workbook. Helps for enablers Hinders for barriers.
Write your answers in the middle two sections of the form
Review What do you notice from completing the form? Is there a theme? Did you find the process easy or challenging? Did you find you had too much information? Questions to ask to narrow your thinking are;
Which of these deliverables most closely align with my agreed objectives?
Within that list; Where did you make your greatest contributions? What had the greatest impact?
Team Leader Debrief
That’s the end of this week’s online learning. Do you have a 15 minute debrief booked with your team leader/sponsor? Aim to answer the questions
What is one discovery you have made?
What is one thing you will do differently?
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