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Lesson 4 Conversation 2 Catch People Doing Things Right
The number 1 reason people leave their jobs is that they do not feel appreciated. A research study from 1946, repeated in 1986 and 2001, asked managers and employees what employees needed from their work. Employees top need was full appreciation of work done. A Harvard Business Review article cites research which says the ideal praise-to-criticism ratio is 5:1.
Watch So what does this practically mean? Watch this video by Simon Sinek on catching people doing things right and its impact
Activity Let’s benchmark what good recognition looks like for you. On Page 5 of your Boss to Coach Coaching Notes thinking about your work, what is the best recognition you have ever received from your manager?
Catch People Doing Things Right What to say
A 1-1 check in is the most effective way to recognise people. Three questions to ask your team are
How are you?
How’s the work going?
What support do you need?
Activity Who is someone in your team who has done something well this week? What did they do? Write your answer on Page 6 of your Boss to Coach for Front Line Team Leaders Coaching Notes. Make sure to share this appreciation with them next time you see them.
Catch People Doing Things Right How to say it
The best managers set individualized expectations and give individualized feedback. Therefore, how do you show appreciation that is specific to someone? Gary Chapman in his book Love Languages and the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, provides a framework of what appreciation looks like. Recognition focuses on what the person does. Appreciation focuses on who the person is. Appreciate people in the way that they want to be appreciated, not in the way that you might want or in the way that is most comfortable for you.
Watch The video that summarises the 5 Languages of Workplace Appreciation
Activity Discover your own preferred Language of Workplace Appreciation by completing the profile. If you have not already, download the Excel Spreadsheet or access the Google Sheet and complete the Appreciation Styles tab. On Page 6 of your Boss to Coach for Front Line Team Leaders Coaching Notes write down your preferred Appreciation Style.
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