Lesson 6 Highlights Catching People Doing Things Right
Ken Blanchard says our role as a manager is to “Catch people doing things right” and then encourage more of that performance. This approach is reinforced by a Harvard Research study, that found 5:1 is the ideal ratio of positive to negative feedback to maintain a strong working relationship. It's crucial not only to acknowledge achievements but also to express appreciation in a way that resonates with individuals.
Recognition focuses on what the person does. Appreciation focuses on who the person is. Therefore, we need to appreciate people in the way they want to be appreciated, not in the way you might or want or are most comfortable with. Gary Chapman in his Book the Languages of Workplace Appreciation identified four preferred styles. Also see the table 5 Ways to Appreciate Others on Page 8 of your Black Workbook.
Optional Activity If you haven’t already discovered your language of workplace appreciation, download, and complete the profile in Excel or Google Sheets
Activity Complete the Highlights Section of Your Check In Template
Can you identify three highlights in your work in the last month? Think not only about the tasks you have done. Also include any feedback you have received from others plus work you have done on your development.
Attribute your Top 5 strengths to each of the statements. To help make these links refer to the report My Signature Theme Motivations and what your strengths Love on Page 7 of your White Workbook
Think about your language of workplace appreciation. On Page 8 of your Black Workbook circle how you want to be appreciated. Add a note talking to both; What would you want someone to do? What would you want someone to say?
The benefit of Catching People Doing Things Right
Watch the Video from Simon Sinek
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