Team Health Check Question Guide
Beyond the action guide, you can view all the insight and actions to unpack additional engagement opportunities. This could include the questions that have shifted the most since your last team health check or to focus on the next lowest score that requires exploration for improvement. Click on the Question Number below to view the resources supporting each of the questions asked.
Question 1
My performance is measured against outcomes and metrics that are clearly explained.
Focus Me Employees need to know what is expected of them at work so that they can commit, deliver and focus on what matters most.
Helpful information
Question 2
I have access to everything that I need in order to perform well at my job.
Free me from unnecessary stress Getting people what they need to do their work is important in maximising efficiency, in demonstrating to employees that their work is valued, and in showing that the company is supporting them in what they are asked to do.
Question 3
My strengths are recognised here and I put them into practice every day in my job.
Know Me The most powerful benefit a manager can provide employees is to place them in roles that allow them to apply the best of their natural selves — their talents — as well as their skills and knowledge every day.
Question 4
I regularly receive meaningful recognition for doing my job well.
Help Me See My Value Employees need to know that their best efforts are acknowledged and valued.
Question 5
How happy are you with the relationship between you and your manager?
Care About Me Employees need to know that they are more than just a number. Each person needs someone to take a personal interest in them and their manager has the greatest influence over this.
Question 6
My manager supports me to get even better at the skills I’m valued for here.
Help Me Grow Every employee needs help navigating the course of his or her career. Employees want to know there is someone looking out for and encouraging them to grow and develop, helping to push them beyond their current thinking.
Question 7
My opinions are taken into account and considered here.
Hear Me Employees want to feel valued. They want to know that their input is important and that they are making a significant contribution and a difference to the environment in which they work.
Question 8
The purpose or mission of the organisation is clearly defined and fulfilment of my job counts towards achieving it.
Help Me See My Importance Employees want to believe in what their employers do. When employees feel that their job is important, they want to do more.
Question 9
My co-workers are accountable for doing quality work.
Help Me Feel Proud Employees need to know that their colleagues are committed to producing quality work. They need to have honest and open communication, an understanding of each other’s work, and respect for each other’s efforts and results.
Question 10
At work, I consider at least one of my co-workers to be a true friend.
Help Me Build Mutual Trust People would rather build bridges than walls around themselves. Friendship is a gateway to building mutual trust, and it leads to collaboration and teamwork.
Question 11
My personal progress and development are important around here.
Help Me Review My Contributions Employees need to understand how they are doing, how their work is perceived and where their work is heading.
Question 12
In my role, there are ongoing opportunities to learn and grow.
Challenge Me The need to learn and grow is a natural human instinct. Where there is growth, there is innovation.