Team Health Check Action Guide
How happy are you with the relationship between you and your manager?
Watch a brief video that walks you through Gallup’s take on their version of this question.
For each person, feeling cared about may mean something different. The best managers listen to individuals and respond to their unique needs. In addition, they find the connection between the needs of the individual and the needs of the organisation.
Key Insights
The need that sits behind this question is ”Care about me”
As the measure improves there is a correlation with a drop in safety incidents
Customer care increases because team care has
Response will be 1.5 points higher if an employee feels as though they can approach their manager
Team Activity to Unpack
At the beginning of each team meeting, start with a question that encourages team members to get to now one another. Get a different team member to bring a new question each week. Questions might include
Where is a place you would love to go on vacation, and why?
What is one of your favourite movies?
What do you enjoy outside of work?
What is your favourite type of music?
If you were to write a book about your life, what would the title be?
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Additional Questions to Ask
What could we do to let fellow team members know that we care about their accomplishments?
What do we do now that shows we care about one another?
Are there things we could start doing to increase the amount of caring we show one another?
Do our internal and external customers know that we care about them? How do they know? How do we show it?
Are there other teams in the organisation that we depend on to accomplish our work? How do we let them know that we care about them? What more could we be doing to show them we care?
Suggestions for Action
Establish regular 1-1 catch ups, the #1 thing a manager can do to improve the engagement of their team. Could you use the Check In Template to structure your conversations
Create opportunities for team members to get to know one another beyond who they are at work
During times of change, meet often and actively address team members concerns and questions
CliftonStrengths and its talent diagnostic can play a pivotal role in understanding one another and being to position your people to do what they do best and help your team members form complimentary partnerships