The present of a listening ear

Research has found that 75% of us are not satisfied and 63% of us are not confident in our friendships. This is a real concern considering research shows the more close friends we have; the happier we are with life. Life has meaning, we are more likely to have a clear sense of direction, and we tend to be more empathic. We are also more likely to find meaning andknow how we fit into the puzzle.

My experience with coaching others in their strengths, constantly reminds me of the inherent need we have to connect with others. To speak out loud what is going on for us, to get advice, or just to share our experiences. More often than not we agree on an objective to intentionally connect with someone; a mentor, a coach, a peer. So my question is what do you want to get off your chest and who do you trust enough to do this with?

For me, I meet with my best mate every week for coffee and every Saturday morning I go for a walk with my girlfriend. In this time I get to talk about what’s going on for me, and get feedback and perspective. And this feeds my CONNECTEDNESS strength (no coincidence) to relate with someone else, and find meaning and clarity. It always amazes me how the presence of another person and just being around someone else can make things happen.

I would argue that we all have strengths that need to be heard. Those with FUTURISTIC (vision), CONTEXT (history) or IDEATION (vision) need an outlet. Those with COMMUNICATION (story teller) or EMPATHY (spontaneous awareness of others’ feelings) need to be heard and understood. 

So again I ask, who do you want to connect with, and what steps can you put into place to catch up with them on a regular basis?


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