From Talent to Strength
My aim is for conversations and simple tools that create clarity. This quick course is designed as pre work inputs for either an individual conversation or workshop.
To complete this course you need to know your CliftonStrengths profile. If you already have your CliftonStrengths “Top 5” results, there is no need to click this link and you can continue to the below.
What it covers
Objectives Completing a strengths assessment marks the start of a journey. Often we approach profile tools as a fireworks display, fascinating to talk about, nice to have, and then we get back to life. The below is simple steps to begin exploring the results as they relate to you.
There are three steps
Name It Understand and identify your strength themes
Claim It Gain awareness and appreciation of your strengths
Aim It Invest in and apply your strengths
At the end of this course you will have
Captured how you define your CliftonStrengths themes and one way they add value to your team
Reviewed your CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report Profile Report
Had a debrief conversation with a team leader or colleague
Duration 30-minutes course work, 15-minute debrief conversation with a colleague or your team leader
Step 1 Name It The Journey from Talent to Strength
Your strengths assessment reveals your themes of talent, your natural way of thinking, acting, and feeling that can be productively applied. Each person has huge potential and this success lies within your talents, being more of who you already are.
Step 2 Name It Appreciate your strengths themes
No talent is better than another, they all hold endless opportunities for excellence and to provide value to others.
Watch the videos for your Top 5 to hear how others describe your strength themes. As you watch, capture your insights in the template at the link below, noting for each of your strength theme’s
Which part of the description is totally you?
A recent example of when you used this strength theme with your team?
Make sure to share these insights with your team leader, a colleague, or in a 1-1 coach or workshop if this is scheduled.
Download and print the Strengths Profile Videos Discovery Notes
Click on each Strengths Theme to watch
Step 3 Claim It Review your strengths report
Start to appreciate the results as they are unique to you. The chance of you meeting someone with the same top 5 talents as you is 1 in 278,000. More extreme, the chances of meeting someone with these talents in the exact same order from 1-5 is 1 in 33 million.
Review the results in the CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report report. To access
Login in to https://login.gallup.com using your e-mail address and password
At the top left hand side click on Menu and select CliftonStrengths
On the secondary menu beside CliftonStrengths heading click on Reports
Click on the CliftonStrengths Top 5 Report
A PDF will load. Print this
Highlight/underline any statements that resonate with you, cross out what doesn’t matter and circle any meaningful words.
Step 4 Aim It How aware are you of your talents and are you leveraging them?
Talents develop into strengths. A strength is defined as a “consistent near perfect performance in an activity.” This comes through knowledge and skills, PLUS our experiences that develop character.
How far do you think your talents have developed into strengths and which of your talents could you focus and invest in more? One way to assess this, is in your 1-1 check in meetings with your team leader, regularly answer the following two questions
What is a recent success you have had, and a strength you think that helped?
What is one challenge you have ahead, and a strength you think could help you?
You can take this discovery further by leveraging these activities to bring your strengths to life at work for both you and your team. Most importantly, make sure to share what you have found out with a team leader or colleague.
Develop a plan further
Talents are like raw diamonds that need to be polished through deliberate effort. Refine your talents into strengths with additional skills and knowledge. Productively apply your strengths by determining specific actions. Next steps will be covered when we meet.
Not registered for a workshop or individual coach? Have a follow up quick chat with Jase to explore.