How to Read The Team Strength Grid

Is a tool designed to summarise the talents within a team supported by a number of dynamic reports based on the individual, team, and organisation. This report outlines the WHO and HOW that can support your people strategy. For the WHY and WHAT see the Team Health Check Report.

To gain access to the report plus access to a client portal please get in contact to find out more.

Your Privacy

By completing your CliftonStrengths profile, we assume you’re comfortable with its inclusion in the team strengths grid. This means your teammates will be able to see your results, and you’ll be able to view theirs.  If you would like this changed please e-mail

How to Read the Team Strengths Grid Report

The report includes:

  1. A count of the number of strengths to appear in the team based on the “top 5” strengths results for each team member.

    • If the cell is green, this means the strength is in the overall top 5 strengths for the team, based on the count of people who have this strength.  This indicates a dominance of talent/behaviour within the group.

    • If the cell is blue, this means that there is only 1 person with this strength.  This can mean that when it is used, others may struggle to understand it, because the behaviour is not in common.

    • If the cell is grey, this means that the strength does not exist within the team.  This could indicate potential blind spots where either a partnership or process could be useful to manage this.

    • If the cell is in grey, this means a strength is in someone's non-dominance (something that is required that is not natural or a blind spot).

  2. For those who have completed the Boss to Coach training and have discovered their preferred Learning, Appreciation, Communication styles. These results form the basis of the Working Styles Report.

  3. The leadership domains where each individual and team sit, an indication of leadership style and strategic thought preference.

Additional Reports

You can filter the team strengths grid tab to update the subsequent strengths-based guides mentioned above:

  • A dashboard with a summary of the key talent diagnostics for the team. The team focus is determined by the dominance of the strengths within each CliftonStrengths Domain.  See the domains diagram above.

  • All the CliftonStrengths Theme long form definitions.

  • Contributions Guide to give you language to start building ways to describe what you uniquely do.

  • Motivations Guide to support questions to aid development.

  • Impact Guide of how your strengths contribute in the relationships that you have and when they helpful (balcony) or a hindrance (basement).

    • A Balcony is well informed, more practical, productive, others oriented

    • A Basement is uninformed, inexperienced, unproductive, self oriented. Where our talents are not contributing and may trip us and others up.

  • Career Guide based on your strengths.  Developed for college students in the US, it could be a useful reference/thought starter, as you think about future career pathways.

  • Managers Guide to give you an understanding of how a leader can get the best out of those that report to them by leveraging your strengths.

How to Use These Reports

Filter the team strengths grid for either the individual, team, or total organisation

  1. All reports will automatically update for the "Top 5" strengths.

  2. Print the relevant report and highlight any statements that resonate, cross out what doesn’t matter, and circle any meaningful words.

  3. To debrief insights with the team or team member, use this discussion guide