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I’m Jase and I want to help workplaces and our people hum. A job is only as good as your boss and having been both on the giving and receiving end, I wish I had been given good insights and tools from the start.

So, I am on a daring mission to support good people to become strong leaders, whether you manage others or not, in a pragmatic and cost effective way. This is done through coaching, workshops, self-sustaining tools and leveraging your strengths that help you short circuit the process and DIY.


Companies that have implemented a strengths-based culture are set up for…

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Meet The Tribe. Who I Work With. 



How I Help Bosses & Businesses Hum


Know your strengths
Coaching to understand ourselves, our teams, our organisations and our culture through the things we do well – our strengths. Powered by CliftonStrengths® (aka StrengthsFinder).

Have good conversations

From performance management to performance development. Simple training and tools to imbed the five key ongoing conversations to move from boss to coach.

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Have clear goals

We can do anything but we can’t do everything. Built into all processes is identifying what we should do and get the buy in of those who have to deliver it.


Want to know more? Download the WhitePaper.


From the Blog. Here’s a few goodies I’ve seen or written recently


“Jase was an upbeat, thorough, optimistic coach with super-fast analytical skills, quickly linking what was shared with our top 5 strengths, thus helping us understand how they work in life. His friendly approach made it easy to talk about things that are not always easy to talk about. Our time with him was both helpful and revealing.”