Team Health Check Action Guide Q10

At work, I consider at least one of my co-workers to be a true friend.


Managers vary in the extent to which they create opportunities for people at work to get to know one another and in how much they value close, trusting relationships at work. The best managers do not subscribe to the idea that there should be no close friendships at work; instead, they free people to get to know one another, which is a baic human need. This, then, can influence communication, trust and other outcomes.


Key Insights

  1. The need that sits behind this question is ”Help me build mutual trust”

  2. This question separates great work places and high performing teams

  3. Social connection is important.  We join companies.  We leave bosses.  We stay for teams.  In turn when people leave an organisation they don't miss the work.  They miss the people.  This recognises that it is not just a job but part of my life and how heavily influenced we are by the people around us e.g. if a best friend has a healthy diet it will multiply the chances by twelve times that they will have a healthy diet too.

  4. If a positive response, 7 times more likely to be engaged in your job and if an individual has three or more friends at work retention sky rockets.

  5. This is a challenging question for some.  Only 30% find it easy to describe what each friend brings to their life.  Therefore it is the most compromised, most at risk, and often the lowest scoring measure

  6. If a manager talks about relationships and their importance it triples the chances of this happening at work i.e. it normalises it

  7. This question talks to answering do people around here support me?  There is a strong correlation with Question 4 "I regularly receive meaningful recognition for doing my job well" because it comes from the team not just the manager

  8. This element is about trust and psychological safety, which is formed in little increments everyday and can be lost in an instant.  When mistakes happen, if there is an emotional connection and understanding the person beyond the work, it is more likely to be forgiven and helps support healthy conflict which helps to create clarity.


Team Activity to Unpack

To foster friendships, evaluate what your team does to celebrate special events and then

  1. Make a list of current practices

  2. Brainstorm additional opportunities for celebrating

  3. Select one or two new traditions

You could add some suggestions such as

  1. Hold monthly or quarterly celebrations of special events (birthdays, anniversaries)

  2. Ask for volunteers to be on a committee to spearhead various activities


Additional Questions to Ask

  1. When did we have the most fun at work during the last few months?  How can we make sure we have more of these moments?

  2. What suggestions does anyone have for upcoming events that coupled help everyone on the team to get to know each better, build stronger friendships, and have fun together?

  3. How do relationship at work help us do our job better as a team?  Can anyone give an example?

  4. What would help us build stronger relationships within and outside out team?


Suggestions for Action

  1. Be intentional about creating space to get to know each other inside and outside the workplace and through recognition.  As much as you can facilitate time for the team to take breaks together

  2. Hold regular team building sessions

  3. Take the lead in sharing personal information about yourself

  4. Address conflict in the team when it develops

  5. Share the following article with your team  Based on this article ask the team what are 1-2 ways we could do things differently to better connect as a team beyond the work?